#Sylvia Lott
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Rezension: Goldene Zeiten im Inselsalon von Sylvia Lott
"Goldene Zeiten im Inselsalon" ist der dritte Band der Norderney-Saga von Sylvia Lott, der die Leser in die 1920er Jahre auf die ostfriesische Insel Norderney und nach Berlin entführt. Die Autorin flicht geschickt die Geschichten mehrerer Generationen einer Friseurfamilie in das historische Gewebe der Zeit ein. Im Zentrum stehen Frieda Fisser, ihre Tochter Lissy, und ihre beste Freundin Grete.
Nachdem mir die ersten beiden Bände sehr gut gefallen hatten, war ich hier zunächst sehr enttäuscht, da mir alles gefehlt hat, was den Reiz vorher ausgemacht hat, nämlich eine interessant erzählte Geschichte mit ordentlich recherchierten historischen Fakten, die einen in das Geschehen eintauchen ließen.
Hier wirkt der erste Teil langweilig und ohne Emotionen herunter erzählt und ich bin weder in der Welt des Inselsalons noch im Berlin der 20er Jahre angekommen. Ab der Hälfte des Buchs hat man allerdings das Gefühl als hätte eine andere Schriftstellerin weitergeschrieben und aus dem anfangs zusammengerührten zähen Brei wird schlussendlich ein gewohnt unterhaltsamer Roman.
Natürlich hat die Autorin auch für dieses Buch bestimmt umfangreiche Recherchen betrieben, um die historischen Aspekte des Romans zu untermauern und so werden die wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten der Hyperinflation und die politischen Unruhen der Weimarer Republik ebenso behandelt wie die kulturellen Highlights der Zeit.
Trotz einiger anfänglicher Schwächen gelingt es Sylvia Lott auch dieses Mal die Leser zu unterhalten und gleichzeitig zu informieren. Ein Muss für Fans historischer Romane und jene, die sich für die Geschichte Norderneys interessieren.
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Frau Goethe liest (FGL) – “Goldene Zeiten im Inselsalon” von Sylvia Lott – Rezension (Hördauer 08 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Rezension-FGL-Goldene-Zeiten-Lott-upload-.mp3 Norderney, 1920. Im Inselsalon kehrt nach den Kriegsunruhen auch endlich wieder Ruhe ein. Frieda hat Paul geheiratet, der als Friseurmeister den Salon gerettet hat. Doch Tochter…
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#1920#Frau Goethe liest#Goldene Zeiten im Inselsalon#Heike Stepprath#Norderney#Rezension#Sylvia Lott#Uwe Kullnick
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Oh damn...I forgot I had an inbox
Okay so let me remember how many:
-Sashannarcy/Calamity Trio (Anne x Sasha x Marcy)
-Spraddivy/Chaos Trio (Sprig x Ivy x Maddie)
-MechanicFighter (Polly x Pearl)
-Yulivia/Gown n' Dagger (Olivia x Yunnan)
-IT Romance (Ally x Jess)
-Grimesylvipop/Old Timer Trio (Hop Pop x Grime x Sylvia)
-Barrelleifdrias/Divorce Trio (Leif x Andrias x Barrel)
The Owl House
-Lumity/Sweet Potatoes (Luz x Amity)
-Huntlow/GoldenFlora (Willow x Hunter)
-Raeda/HarpyMelody (Eda x Raine) + Camilraeda/Mom Trio (Eda x Raine x Camila)
-Veesha/RavenSlug (Vee x Masha)
-Gustholomule/GusMatt (Gus x Mattholomule)
-Skarney/Melody and The Beast (Skara x Viney
The Ghost and Molly McGee
-Mollycule/MollyPoly (Molly x Oliver x Libby x Andrea)
-Scrinx/Ghostly Exes (Scratch x Jinx)
-Frilda/AdventureWitch (Hilda x Frida) + Frildavid/Trollberg Trio (Hilda x Frida x David)
-Kaisanna/Sketchbook Ship (Johanna x Kaisa) + Kaigerdanna/Trollberg's Mom Trio (Johanna x Kaisa x Gerda)
The Loud House + Casagrandes
-Ronniecoln/OrangePurple (Lincoln x Ronnie Anne)
-Slyde/Bestie-to-Main Duo (Clyde x Sid)
-Clidonniecoln/Chaos Squad (Lincoln x Ronnie Anne x Clyde x Sid)
-Lobby/Eldest Duo (Lori x Bobby)
-Chazni/Mall Duo (Leni x Chaz)
-Saluna/Rockstars Duo(Luna x Sam)
-Lubenny/Comedy Duo(Luan x Benny)
-Lynncisco/Athlete Duo (Lynn x Francisco)
-Lucky/GingerRaven (Lucy x Rocky)
-Skiana/Toolbox Duo (Lana x Skippy)
-Lolinston/Majesty Duo (Lola x Winston)
-Livid/Science Duo (Lisa x David)
-Carldelaide/Double Trouble (Carl x Adelaide)
Little Witch Academia
-Diakko/Starlight Magic (Akko x Diana)
-Sulotte/SpiritMushroom (Sucy x Lotte)
-Hamanda/Her Rebel (Amanda x Hannah)
-Barblotte/Nightfall (Lotte x Barbara)
-Consucy/Shroombot (Sucy x Constanze)
-HannahBarbara/Diana's Emotional Support Witches (Hannah x Barbara)
-Poly New Nine/RGB Team
-Poly Konoha 12/The Leaf Pile
My Hero Academia
-Poly Class 1-A/Fam 1-A
Spooky Month
-Goldenlavender (Lila x Jaune)
-Candybats (Kevin x Streber)
-Sketchhatz (Susie x Robert)
-Connerma/GingerYokai (Erma x Connor) + Connsiderma/GingerRatYokai (Erma x Connor x Sidney)
-Terramy/Amerry (Amy x Terry)
-Samiko/YokaiBooks (Emiko x Sam)
-FumiHaru/The Princess and The Kappa (Fumiko x Haru)
-EnaKenji/FloatingCyclops (Ena x Kenji)
-Amitsu/Amomo/GoldenYokai (Amy x Mitsu/Momo)
-Sonadow/'See Sonic Prime' (Sonic x Shadow)
-Knuxouge/All Because of An Emerald (Knuckles x Rouge)
-Tailsmo/Wholesomeness in 'X' (Tails x Cosmo)
Yes I am perfectly fine why do you ask?
#now if anyone disagree with/don't like a ship on this list well...#A. this is my list and if you have one of your own then feel free to say what it is#B. some of the ship on here is crack or based on an au#and C. don’t take these things too seriously we're all just trying to have fun here#amphibia#the owl house#the ghost and molly mcgee#hilda#the loud house#the casagrandes#little witch academia#naruto#my hero academia#spooky month#erma#sonic the hedgehog#polycule#ships#my ships#multifandom
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Pixie, Sylva, Silver, Nora, Lenore, Ally, Evangeline, Lyra, Lynx, Lustre, Gloria, Vinny, Valentine, Sora, Icarus, Frieda, Lydia, Constantine, Adora, Sasha, Elijah, Cyril, Kane, Ethel, Cynthia, Shelly, Eric, Clementine, Arietty, Mona, Zelda, Lotte, Elana, Lacey, Adriana, Coraline, Corrie, Cari, Alaric, Sigil, Salem, Altair, Ester, Vera, Sylvia, Alice, Camila, Lex, Mavis, Lumen, Link, Aura, Twyla, Izzy, Isabel, Sapphire, Ada, Loralai, Aelita, Celeste, Sable, Aurora, June, Yulia/Yuelia, Medea, Wren, Arthur, Adonis, Lilia, Serena, Siouxsie, Maud
List of Names I like, will update when I think of/find more, feel free to share any you like as well <3
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pers8nal problems sirk lubitsch frd n ging dancing lady jeanette bysby claire jessie moonlight n ptetzels ophuls lydia (1941) paris-champagne vidalita midsummer nights flamong ears orkamdo carmelo bene praunheim borzage cocteau corridor deset hearts parting glances mari madchwn wheeler woolsey alice white ziegfeld girl wkw rubnitz trecartin moulton grey gardens ciao manhattan women in r3volt vigo renoir von sternberg von stroheim demiille precode barbrsa kay clara giallo masc broadwsy melofy band wagob milie maddin kuchar blore pressburgee chahine welles pomegranates tarkov eisen makaveyev garbo jewel thief ammoru mughal bava ivy gaalight rebecca notoruiis rope shadow doubt carne feuillade assayas franju rene clair fleisxher lotte vampyr phantom varriagw house of usher beloved rougue melies hagsplo bagdad luminoys procuress anger pink narcissus cpckettes thindercrack jack smith thunderbolt pagoda oedipus rex ubu asta hamlet devi l is a woman student prince viva maria silvestre perceval green knight jamaica inn spwllbound suspicion high wind in jamaica cabin boy cgampagne for caesar yorgos dangrs liasons valmont marie antoinette brotherhood wolf bram stokers drac the fall titus jupiter asc valerian conan remakeblade 3 punisher dredd lupin jewel robbery lone wolf the saint the shadiw the phantom rocketeer vidocq bilal snow whote hunstman adele blanc sec holmes 2009 tintin baron munchausen maria m9ntez pabst duviver rififi rosencrantz irma vep marketa hagazussa super inframan captn invincible that man fom rio dybbuk ulmer bunuel chabrol ptushko rou altman popeye images in dreams inserts xarnal onwledge the satin slipper sciamma arzber sylvia scarlett wuxia jennie inocents tourneur danl webster moby dick what a way to go tashlin toto greasers palace christie whodunnits catherine the last toll of the sea marketa golden coach daimajin colonel blimp ladyhawke willow cat returns lupin nausicaa nimh john carter kubo enchanted barry lyndon castle of the living dead gozu 6 string samurai mirror mirror devil is woman northman mylene elm.street remake buraikan actors revenge rollin green knight sjostrom
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Innovationen im Salon Fisser
Neue Träume im Inselsalon von Sylvia Lott Norderney, 1935. Lissy kehrt zurück nach Norderney. Sie hat in Berlin einiges mitgemacht und muss einen herben Schicksalsschlag verarbeiten. Dabei ist ihre Tochter Marina, die unehelich geboren für einiges an Gerede unter den Dorfbewohnern sorgen wird. Frieda ist glücklich, ihre Familie wieder beisammen zuhaben. Sie kann die Hilfe im Salon gut…
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Nello scorso mese di agosto il Centre Pompidou ha ospitato la mostra "Over the rainbow", una mostra che riunisce più di cinquecento opere d'arte e documenti, principalmente dalla collezione del Pompidou, e riferiti per la gran parte alla produzione artistica francese. Le opere che coprono un arco temporale, che va dal XIX secolo al 2000 e oltre, sono di artisti che hanno contribuito a trasformare la rappresentazione delle sessualità cosiddette “minoritarie” e hanno partecipato alle lotte delle comunità LGBTQ+ per il riconoscimento dei loro diritti. Non ne scrissi a suo tempo, ma lo faccio volentieri ora, dopo aver anche consultato il magnifico catalogo, edito dal Centre Pompidou, di cui ho appena terminato la lettura. Le opere viste erano di grande qualità, anche se molte non propriamente una novità, ma la lettura del catalogo rivela tante cuorisità e informa ampiamente su una serie di fatti e circostanze che dànno la misura di quanto sia stata ardua la conquista dei diritti per le persone con un orientamento sessuale, considerato non conforme alla "norma". La preziosissima cronologia del volume (stampata su pagine fucsia-fluo) prende la mosse dal 1868 quando il giornalista, scrittore e militante Karl-Maria Kerybeny utilizza per la prima volta i termini "omosessuale" e "eterosessuale". A far data da quel remoto anno, il catalogo analizza centinaia di opere letterarie, opere d'arte, di grafica e fotografie, ma anche film ed opere teatrali che hanno dato un notevole supporto culturale e, in fin dei conti, resa possibile la conquista di diritti civili che oggi ci appaiono assolutamente irrinunciabili. Nel repertorio fanno spicco vere e proprie chicche come le poesie di Natalie Clifford Barney : in mostra una preziosa edizione dei suoi "Pensées d'una amazone" del 1920. La Barney, espatriata americana, non per nulla considerava Parigi "la seul ville où l'on peut vivre et s'exprimer à sa guisa..." Di eccezionale bellezza il carnet di disegni di Marie Laurencin, ritrattista e decoratrice, che disegna una donna indipendente, libera nel desiderare l'attenzione di altre donne. Questa scrittrice, oltre che artista, racconterà ne "Le Carnet des nuits" di aver incominciato ad illustrare, a vent'anni, una preziosa edizione di "Les Fleurs du Mal". L'incontro di Adrienne Monnier e Sylvia Beach nel 1916, nei locali della libreria "la Maison des Amis des Livres" all'Odeon, farà diventare il luogo un punto d'incontro di artisti ed intellettuali e proprio lì Sylvia Beach matura l'idea di far nascere una sua libreria, quella "Shakespeare & Co." che sarà da subito frequentata da Margaret Anderson, Natalie Clifford Braney, Gertrude Stein, accomunate naturalmente, e non solo, dal fatto di essere lesbiche "militanti". Tantissimi gli argomenti trattati dagli esplicitissimi disegni “honoérotiques” di Jean Cocteau ai dipinti di Gerda Wegener e Lili Elbe. Il secolo breve scorre veloce e sono davvero numerose le figure rappresentative della lotta per i diritti di queste sessualità non omologate, che spesso viaggiano sottotraccia, come nel caso del travestitismo nel mondo del cabaret, per fare un esempio quello di Félix Mayol gloria dell’Eldorado e della Scala, noti locali parigini (quest’ultimo molto conosciuto anche in Italia). Sul finire del secolo, quando rivendicazioni e lotte escono allo scoperto, anche le arti visive sono massicciamente sul campo di battaglia. È il caso della cosiddetta “grafica queer”, quella per esempio del movimento/scuola Akimbo, nato a San Francisco, che metterà spesso nel suo mirino la politica conservator-reazionaria del presidente George H.W. Bush (continua)
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Joseph Smith Polygamy: List of Joseph Smith's Wives
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), was married to at least 33 women, some of them simultaneously. This practice of plural marriage, also known as polygamy, was controversial during Smith's lifetime and remains so today.
There is no one definitive list of Joseph Smith polygamy and wives, as some of the marriages were never publicly acknowledged and there is discussion about the validity of some of the marriages. However, the following is a list of the women who are generally accepted to have been Smith's wives:
Emma Hale Smith (1827)
Fanny Alger (1833)
Lucinda Morgan Harris (1836)
Louisa Beaman (1841)
Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs (1841)
Presendia Lathrop Huntington (1841)
Agnes Moulton Coolbrith (1842)
Sylvia Sessions Lyon (1842)
Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner (1842)
Patty Bartlett Sessions (1842)
Marinda Nancy Johnson Hyde (1842)
Elizabeth Davis Durfee (1842)
Sarah Kingsley (1842)
Delcena Johnson (1842)
Eliza Roxcy Snow (1842)
Sarah Ann Whitney (1842)
Martha McBride (1842)
Ruth Vose Sayers (1843)
Flora Ann Woodworth (1843)
Emily Dow Partridge (1843)
Eliza Maria Partridge (1843)
Almera Woodward Johnson (1843)
Lucy Walker (1843)
Sarah Lawrence (1843)
Maria Lawrence (1843)
Helen Mar Kimball (1843)
Hannah Ells (1843)
Elvira Annie Cowles (1843)
Rhoda Richards (1843)
Desdemona Fullmer (1843)
Olive G. Frost (1843)
Melissa Lott (1843)
It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other women who were married to Joseph Smith that are not included here. Additionally, the nature of some of these marriages is disputed.
The practice of polygamy was first introduced to the LDS Church by Smith in 1843. He claimed to have received a revelation from God commanding him to practice this form of marriage. However, the practice was controversial from the beginning, and it was not until 1852 that it was officially announced to the church membership.
Polygamy was a major factor in the persecution of the LDS Church in the 19th century. The practice was illegal in the United States, and the church was forced to flee from state to state in order to escape prosecution. Polygamy was finally abandoned by the LDS Church in 1890, under pressure from the federal government.
Joseph Smith polygamy continues to be a topic of contention in modern times. Certain individuals argue that it was a valid custom misconstrued by critics of the church. Conversely, others view it as a type of mistreatment that should have never taken place. The verdict on whether to accept or reject the notion that Joseph Smith engaged in polygamy ultimately rests on personal beliefs, as concrete evidence is lacking, and compelling points can be presented from both perspectives.
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Rückenakt (Madeleine) by Lotte Laserstein
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From Russia With Love | dir. Terence Young, 1963
#from russia with love#gifs#film#james bond#007#1963#sean connery#daniela bianchi#lotte lenya#walter gotell#kerim bay#tatiana romanova#bond girl#sylvia trench#eunice gayson#robert shaw#martine beswick#aliza gur#pedro armendáriz#red grant#rosa klebb#terence young
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Quante sono le strade intitolate a donne in Italia Giovedì il sindaco di Milano Beppe Sala ha pubblicato un post in cui ha annunciato l’installazione in città della prima statua dedicata a una donna, Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso, una patriota risorgimentale. Ha poi scritto che nella primavera del 2022 sarà inaugurata una statua anche all’astrofisica Margherita Hack, aggiungendo che «l’assenza di monumenti dedicati alle tante donne protagoniste della nostra storia era una vergogna che andava sanata». (...) Dai dati raccolti risulta che nei 21 capoluoghi delle regioni e province autonome italiane ci siano 24.572 strade intitolate a persone (non a nomi comuni, a luoghi o a nomi collettivi): 1.626 di queste (cioè il 6,6 per cento) sono intitolate a donne. Escludendo le martiri o le sante (che rientrano in una narrazione tradizionale di donne spesso intese come vittime), le strade intitolate alle donne scendono a 959. Su Mapping Diversity è possibile anche consultare dati e mappe specifiche di ciascun capoluogo. Tra le città analizzate Bolzano è quella con la percentuale maggiore di strade intitolate a donne (13 per cento), mentre ad Aosta su 73 strade ce sono solo due dedicate a figure femminili. A Milano ci sono 2.593 vie e piazze intitolate a persone e 2.466 sono dedicate a uomini (95,1 per cento); 127 sono intitolate a donne e scendono a 95 se si considerano le donne non sante. A Roma ci sono 7.892 vie e piazze intitolate a persone: 7.364 sono uomini, cioè il 93,3 per cento, 528 sono donne, 391 delle quali non sante. Bologna e Torino, per fare altri due esempi, hanno dati molto simili: il 95 per cento delle vie e delle piazze ha il nome di un uomo, mentre sono rispettivamente 43 e 44 i nomi di donne non sante. (...) Come spiega Mapping Diversity, «la preponderanza di figure maschili nelle nostre strade non è solo testimonianza di un fatto storico e culturale, ma è allo stesso tempo una forza, subliminale ma costante, che contribuisce a perpetrare la marginalizzazione del contributo femminile». I nomi delle strade «non sono innocui elementi urbani», ma «hanno un forte potere simbolico, sono stati e continuano a essere frutto di processi decisionali legati alla legittimazione del passato, e alla costruzione della memoria storica collettiva su quel passato». (...) «Le strade intitolate a donne sono meno di quelle dedicate ai monti, ai fiori e agli arbusti. Così la città si fa specchio della tessitura narrativa della storia che ci hanno insegnato, una storia a metà»: piazzetta Maurilio Bossi è dunque diventata nella notte «piazzetta Sylvia Rivera, icona e militante per i diritti LGBTQIA+, 1951-2002»; Foro Bonaparte è stato ribattezzato «Foro Tina Modotti, fotografa, attrice, militante rivoluzionaria, 1896-1942» e via Mogadiscio invece si è trasformata in «piazza Isabella Marincola, attrice, italiana, nera, antifascista, 1925-2010». Negli ultimi anni la questione dei monumenti e della toponomastica è stata rilevata anche a livello istituzionale e alcune città hanno iniziato a porvi rimedio. Tra qualche settimana a Bruxelles sarà intitolata una strada a Eunice Osayande, una donna di 23 anni di origine nigeriana che si prostituiva e che fu uccisa nella notte tra il 4 e il 5 giugno 2018. La sua morte aveva causato diverse manifestazioni e proteste, anche perché Eunice Osayande si era rivolta a un’associazione denunciando che, mentre lavorava, stava subendo violenze e intimidazioni. L’assessora del comune di Bruxelles Ans Persoons, ha spiegato che la femminilizzazione dello spazio pubblico è un loro obiettivo e che diverse strade sono già state intitolate a donne importanti. Ma, ha aggiunto, «Il femminismo per noi non riguarda solo le donne che eccellono. Il femminismo riguarda tutte e comprende i diritti e le lotte delle donne a tutti i livelli sociali». Ha spiegato che il 42 per cento delle donne tra i 16 e i 69 anni ha subito una violenza o un abuso, nella sua vita: «Questa percentuale è molto più alta tra le lavoratrici del sesso. La lotta per abbattere questi numeri follemente alti merita più attenzione e urgenza. Ed è proprio per questo che dedichiamo questa strada a Eunice Osayande». Il Post
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I just love your Hlvrai stuff so much, the fact you follow the silhouette rule makes it even better! I especially love Dr. Coomer and Bubby, how Coomer is a soft and round pee-paw and Bubby is just the opposite, a sharp and skinny skeleton man. The clashing appearances make it so amazing!
thamk u i amglad u like my cartoons! i LOV pushing shapes a whole lott w design having Big Noticeable Designs is my. goal OHOH ESP W COMPLIMENTING DESIGNS coomer being round curves n bubby being sharp edges is def on purpose my main insp was wander over yonder w wander n sylvia bein th twp main characyers n how theyr shapes LITERALLY fit together ifs so neat, i decided to take tht different direction n had coomer n bubby be almost polar opposites design wise but they're both short tho so u kno they're a team... theyr different but theyr a team and;_; isnt tht al wht we want huh.. gay?
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From Russia with Love (1963, Bond No. 2, Dir. Terence Young)
After the resounding financial success of the pop culture milestone known as Dr. No, it was a forgone conclusion that there simply had to be a sequel. That sequel, From Russia with Love, would be bigger, better, costlier, and just generally more Bond-ier that the freshman film.
Sean Connery made his second appearance as James Bond, as well as Bernard Lee as MI-6 head, M, Lois Maxwell as M’s frustrated secretary Moneypenny, and Eunice Gayson as Sylvia Trench, Bond’s as of now sole recurring love interest. Newly recast is the gadget maestro, Q, played by Desmond Llewelyn, who would reprise this iconic character through five Bond actors: Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton, and Brosnan (over a spand of 36 years) all the way up til the Brosnan era film The World Is Not Enough, and while in this film the character hinted at retirement, I believe (mayhaps more like hope) that he would have come back had it not been for his untimely death in a car accident.
New characters include the central Bond girl, Tatiana “Tanya” Romanov. Who is in my opinion the film the film’s sole misstep. She’s whiny and weirdly giddy, and the character is just kinda flat and one note. You have affable MI-6 Istanbul station head Kerim Bey, played by Mexican actor Pedro Armendariz, who, despite being mortally ill and in great pain (inoperable neck cancer that he likely contracted due to the radiation that he was undoubtably exposed to while filming the John Wayne clusterfuck The Conquerer; he accepted the role simply for his family’s financial security, and would take his own life in a hospital), he puts in a stellar performance as Bey; for me, one of the highlights of the movie. One of them.
But one of the bigger highlights is the introduction of a James Bond staple; the henchman, in the form of the murderously sociopathic and seemingly omniscient SPECTRE assassin Red Grant, played by Robert “Captain Quint” Shaw. Yes, while most people think of his iconic role as the captain of the Orca in Steven Spielberg's original blockbuster, I tend to think FRWL is his finest hour...despite the fact that they had 5′10″ Shaw standing on a box so that he’d appear bigger than the 6′2″ Connery, his presence is dominating. He is like a jaguar, patiently stalking Bond throughout the movie...even impersonating a fellow agent, waiting for the perfect time to strike. And while 007 manages to outsmart Grant, his fight with him is easily one of the most brutal of the Connery era.
Other villains include, while not by name, Bond’s recurring nemesis Ernst Stavro Blofeld, complete with white cat, played in this case by Anthony Dawson (though you never see a face), who also played crooked geologist and half-assed assassin Prof. Dent in Dr. No. Austrian actress Lotte Lenya plays sadistic and conniving Ex-Soviet Colonel turned SPECTRE agent, Rosa Klebb. Walter Gotell, who would return to the series in the 70′s as KGB spymaster general Gogel in the Roger Moore era, has a role as a SPECTRE agent as well.
Speaking of SPECTRE, FRWL is the first Bond flick to feature the mysterious terrorist organization in earnest. It was mentioned in Dr. No, but in kind of a throwaway manner. This was also the first film to feature a bespoke theme song, sung by Matt Monro, though it is not played over the opening credits, which this time, do appear after a cold open, but they are not however done by series stalwart Maurice Binder, instead done by graphic artist Robert Brownjohn, who would also design the title sequence for the sequel. Speaking of...
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Wasserwellen und Eiswinter auf Norderney
Der Inselsalon wird bereits das dritte Mal besucht. @Sylvia Lott lässt uns mit Familie Fisser die 20-er Jahre erleben. Lizzy ist erwachsen geworden und verlagert das Geschehen nach Berlin (erschienen im Blanvalet Verlag).
Goldene Zeiten im Inselsalon von Sylvia Lott Norderney, 1920. Im Inselsalon kehrt nach den Kriegsunruhen auch endlich wieder Ruhe ein. Frieda hat Paul geheiratet, der als Friseurmeister den Salon gerettet hat. Doch Tochter Lizzy kann den neuen Mann an der Seite nicht so akzeptieren, wie es ein harmonisches Miteinander erfordern würde. Zudem kommt sie hinter das Geheimnis von Friedas erstem Mann,…
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Tag Game: Excellent Taste
tagged by : @grexigone and @crazy-fruit thanks a lot Georgine and Jojo, I love these
rules : tag nine people with excellent taste
Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: This is physio day so, this is tight and sporty if you can believe it: a fit black tee-shirt, and black and white short leggings. all my chubby tiny figure exposed for the greater good. I try not to feel like a fraud because to my scale I’m doing some ground training, Rocky mode. Only much less graceful and effective!
Risin' up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet Just a penguin and her will to survive
Last band I saw live: I can’t remember. Concerts and penguins don’t mix.
Last song I listened to: Roads Go Ever On - Clamavi De Profundis. I sang along loudly as I did the dishes. To hell wih my boisterous uncult neighbors, have some Tolkien you heathens...
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick (dark red always, but once in a blue moon).
Last movie I watched: on theaters: Solo, a SW story. Home, the Two Towers.
Last 3 TV shows I watched: Outlander, 13 reasons why S2 (I didn’t like the first so why did I watch the next installment?! Justin broke me...), and... the Crown, I guess?
Last YouTube video I watched: according to my YouTube history,:
Can’t you tell, I’ve no life outside of fandoms? For French mutuals we can find Le Fossoyeur de Film and Joueur du Grenier and the Highlander 2 video of Karim Debbache after these. Nan mais parce que Souviens-toi Highlander et Zeist sont une source infinie de délires avec mon pote.
3 characters I identify with: I guess Jyn Erso (SW), Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey) and…Perceval (Kaamelott)
Books I’m currently reading: La Patissière de Long Island, by Sylvia Lott
tagging : @moonprincess92nz @thenewleeland @ambrena @calimera62 @oh-nostalgiaa @aheartisaheavy-burden @rapidashpatronus @imsfire2 @ruby-red-inky-blue
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3 Schwestern, Margot, Lotte und Sylvia arbeiten am Untergang des DDR-Regimes. Die eine angeblich zu seiner Rettung durch den Ausverkauf von Gold bis Gefangenen. Die andere im Widerstand. Die dritte aus der BRD. Einiges thematisch ungewohnt, gute Schauspieler*innen, sehr sehenswert . Ab sofort ZDF-Mediathek. @ZDF Ab 9.11. DDR-Spezial im KUNOblog.
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